Mental Health and Wellness Programs! 

May is Mental Heath Awareness Month and we would like to share some ideas to help take a breath, relax and stay healthy. Take some time to listen to some calming live music and practice some Yoga with Shanice Green to help improve heart health, get better sleep and gain body strength. Ease some built up stress and boost feelings of relaxation with the benefits of aromatherapy by making your own aromatherapy rollers. It is important to maintain healthy habits that will help prevent distress. Remember that there are some activities that may stand in the way of  staying well and maintaining good mental health. Limiting these activities may be beneficial. Learn more about setting healthy limits in regards to alcohol consumption in Just One Drink or Maximize Your Buzz.  Neon Entertainment provides programs that are great for Mental Health and Wellness. Check them out below and contact your Neon agent for availability and booking! 

Two Deep Breaths

Pop Up Zen Zone

Zen Zone

Aromatherapy Rollers

Essential Oils Workshop

Maximize Your Buzz

Just One Drink




Contacts us at 800-993-NEON (6366) or Send us an email to inquire or book our programs and events.

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