Meeting ID: 836 6452 1141
Passcode: 158226
10:45AM EST
The DNA of a Leader program was designed to answer this exact question. There are 5 ‘strands’ of leadership that will help shape students into the kind of leaders the work place and the world is looking for. Much of the leadership training today is theoretical and lacks practical application so students are left not know what to do with the information. The minute that your students complete the DNA of a Student Leader training they will tangle steps to laud the the 5 strands of leadership that will position them for impact.
Meeting ID: 836 6452 1141
Passcode: 158226
1:00PM EST
I’m Engaged
The program I’m Engaged is Mike Fritz’s signature program to effectively and predictably recruit, retain and reproduce effective leaders in your clubs and organizations campus wide. This is THE program that student coordinators all over the country, just like you, trust to train and equip their current leaders to make a bigger impact on campus and grow their clubs and organizations by 25% in a year.