by Scott Talarico | Jun 20, 2022
RECIPE FOR RESILIENCE by Lady Caress “Deep down in the water black sons and daughter All bounced back” The recipe for resilience Is a knock down Followed by a bounce back Newsflash that’s also the recipe for being black We cannot sugar coat the bitter truth of...
by Scott Talarico | Jun 14, 2022
REPACKAGING HISTORY THROUGH HIP HOP The Unauthorized Biography Series is a critically acclaimed musical project that celebrates the world’s greatest cultural icons through biographical rap songs – Repackaging History through Hip Hop. Shaun Boothe is an award winning...
by Scott Talarico | Feb 7, 2022
HONORING BLACK HISTORY As we continue to celebrate this black history, we share talented poets and entertainers that Neon Entertainment represents. These artist’s programs bring insight, inspiration and honor to help your students find their voice as members and...
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