5 Nostalgic Programs Your Students Won’t Want To Miss

5 NOSTALGIC PROGRAMS YOUR STUDENTS WON’T WANT TO MISS OUT ON No matter the age, we enjoy partaking in events that remind us of the best parts of our childhood.  To take a moment or two to escape from the every day monotony of adulting and remember what it was...

8 Great Take & Make Take & Make Programs

8 GREAT TAKE & MAKE  /MAKE & TAKE PROGRAMS What is a take & make/make & take?  A take & make is a direct ship program where all of the materials you need for a unique and fun program are shipped to you.  Students can either create/build their item...

Get Your Glow On

GET YOUR GLOW ON! Have you ever noticed that when you take an ordinary, old-school event like bowling or roller skating and add a little glow to it, it makes that event so much more fun and exciting!?  Well we’ve noticed, too and think that there ain’t no...

4 Ways To De-Stress With Group Events

4 WAYS TO DE-STRESS WITH INTERACTIVE GROUP EVENTS  Students are STRESSED!  And nothing beats that stress like spending time with friends.  Provide them with smart, safe, healthy ways to de-stress with interactive group entertainment.   1) Escape Rooms Our Escape Rooms...